headshot of woman in black shirt smiling standing in front of lamp


Hello there! I'm Emily Flaws, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).

Before starting my journey in professional psychology, I had the privilege of working as a Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT), where I assisted individuals on the autism spectrum in achieving their social and behavioral goals. I also was a substitute teacher right here in the La Grange area, where I enjoyed supporting students of all abilities in reaching their academic goals. However, I have always felt deeply connected to the field of psychology.

I hold a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Elmhurst University and a Master of Science in forensic psychology from Arizona State University. 

I'm particularly interested in helping people who have chronic illnesses. These individuals deal with more than just physical challenges; they also face emotional and psychological difficulties. Living with a chronic illness can be tough, as it brings uncertainty, pain, and limitations. I believe therapy can provide a safe place for them to talk about these emotional challenges, learn how to cope, and find hope and strength with which to move forward.

I'm also passionate about helping those who struggle with self-esteem and body-image issues. Our self-talk and how we view ourselves deeply affects our mental health. Therapy is a powerful tool that can help people feel better about themselves, be kinder to themselves, and become more confident in who they are. 

I understand that going to counseling is not just about solving immediate problems. It's also about helping people live better lives, no matter what challenges they may face. Through talking, listening, and using proven techniques, I will help each client make meaningful changes and grow.

I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive and welcoming space for individuals from all backgrounds, including BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, neurodivergent individuals, and other marginalized communities such as the disabled community.

Outside of my work, I enjoy unwinding with a variety of hobbies. You might find me indulging in fiber arts like knitting and crochet, escaping into the pages of a good book, or immersing myself in the world of video games. I'm also a fan of watching hockey and love spending time behind the wheel of my 1968 Ford Galaxie.

  • -Chronic Illness

    -Body image issues


  • -Anxiety

    -Couples Counseling


    -Finding your voice

    -Healing inner wounds

    -Improving confidence

    -Lack of motivation


    -Self-esteem issues

    -Toxic shame

  • -Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Elmhurst University

    -Master of Science in Forensic Psychology from Arizona State University

Emily’s Recommended Resources

Emily’s Recommended Resources

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